evenement entreprise

All about the corporate event in 2024

If there is one lesson that entrepreneurship has learned from the health crisis, it is that it is important to organise corporate events again to create group cohesion. Why organise a corporate event? For any

destinations pour le soleil de décembre

Best destinations 2024 for the December sun

Destination for the month of December While summer is the best time to cruise the Mediterranean, December is a tempting time to travel in search of much-needed warmth. The idea of being abroad for Christmas,

bilan competence financement

All about the skills assessment in 2024

You are considering a career change or professional retraining by carrying out a skills assessment, but how do you go about it, where do you do it, and how do you finance it? What is

seminaires activites entreprise

The various activities during a company seminar in 2024

Organising a company seminar is necessary to take stock of the situation with all employees. The event includes one or more activities or entertainment that are dedicated to strengthening team cohesion between colleagues. Ideas for

pourquoi faire bilan competence

Why do a skills assessment in 2024?

Whether you are an employee or a job seeker, you have certainly already heard about the skills assessment… You don’t really know what the point is, because you know your skills, your background and what